Açık Pozisyonlar
Blue Youth and Sports Club Association (MaviDer)
MaviDer is a local NGO with the goal to raise awareness about protecting nature and its resources and promote conservation practices like supporting the use of recycling and green renewable fuels instead of dangerous fossil fuels. For this, MaviDer makes ecologically sustainable projects as well as eco-friendly sports activities in nature, especially for youngsters. The importance of public awareness and NGO involvement in environmental protection is acknowledged by us and efforts to make a substantial impact through our works and projects is its primary aim.
To complete the Project management team, we are looking for a project assistant to support the Project Coordinator for the implementation of project activities for 3 (three) years.
Position Overview
The Project Assistant will work closely with the Project Coordinator to ensure successful implementation of the project activities. His/her role will involve extensive engagement with the project management related topics such as nature conservation and maritime decarbonization.
Key Responsibilities
- Provide administrative assistance to the Project Coordinator for the day-to-day management of the project activities.
- Support the preparation and maintenance of project schedules, ensuring alignment with overall objective.
- Support the establishment and implementation effective monitoring mechanisms to track and report project progress.
- Regularly update and communicate project schedules to relevant stakeholders.
- Support the drafting of project reports.
- Management of the social media accounts for dissemination and awareness raising purposes.
- Undertake all logistical aspects of organisations, events, meetings, including preparation of meeting minutes and drafting of post-event reports.
- Bachelor’s degree of in social sciences, Business Administration or equivalent experience.
- Proven experience in Project Management.
- Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
- Excellent communication skills with the ability to convey technical information clearly.
- Good level of English and Turkish.
Candidates will be expected to live in (or be able to relocate to) Dalyan or Ortaca/Muğla.
Candidates must send their CVs with a Cover Letter to mavisporder@gmail.com latest by 17:00 local time 17.01.2024.
Only the shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Candidates to be shortlisted will be informed on 19.01.2024 at the latest.
Blue Youth and Sports Club Association (MaviDer)
MaviDer is a local NGO with the goal to raise awareness about protecting nature and its resources and promote conservation practices like supporting the use of recycling and green renewable fuels instead of dangerous fossil fuels. For this, MaviDer makes ecologically sustainable projects as well as eco-friendly sports activities in nature, especially for youngsters. The importance of public awareness and NGO involvement in environmental protection is acknowledged by us and efforts to make a substantial impact through our works and projects is its primary aim.
To complete the Project management team, we are looking for an experienced leader with good communication skills to employ fulltime at the earliest possible date for 3 (three) years.
Position Overview
The Project Coordinator will be responsible for the smooth management of the technical and managerial initiatives of the project. His/her role will involve extensive engagement with the Project management related topics such as nature conservation, maritime decarbonization and electrical boat design and construction.
Key responsibilities
- Day-to-day management of the project activities, outputs and the project budget.
- Ensuring timely and high-quality delivery of project outputs within agreed scope, cost budgets, timescales and quality.
- Monitoring and reporting of operational and financial aspects of the project.
- Proactive management in close coordination with the Board of Directors.
- Preparation, tendering, contracting, execution and monitoring of project level procurements as per established rules and procedures of the institution.
- Providing a strong leadership to the project team members
- Having excellent communication and negotiation skills.
Required Qualifications And Experience
- Bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering or Naval Achitecturing and Marine Engineering
- At least 2 years of EU Project management.
- Extensive knowledge on the EU’s procurement procedures.
- Previous experience in marine vehicles construction is a must.
- Excellent communication skills with the ability to convey technical information clearly.
- Strong level of English and Turkish (verbal and written) and computer skills.
- PMP certification is an asset.
Candidates will be expected to live in (or be able to relocate to) Dalyan or Ortaca/Muğla.
Candidates must send their CVs with a Cover Letter to mavisporder@gmail.com latest by 17:00 local time 17.01.2024.
Only the shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Candidates to be shortlisted will be informed on 19.01.2024 at the latest.
Mavi Gençlik ve Spor Derneği olarak Muğla’da yürütmekte olduğumuz bir projenin muhasebe kayıtlarını tutmak için Serbest Muhasebeci arıyoruz.
İş Tanımı
- Derneğin yürüttüğü faaliyetlerle ilgili tüm muhasebe süreçlerinin yasal mevzuatlar çerçevesinde kayıt ve kontrolüne ve eksiksiz sonuçlandırılmasına destek verilmesi
- Tüm genel muhasebe ve maliyet muhasebesi kayıtlarına ve dönem sonu işlemlerine destek verilmesi
- Tüm yasal prosedür ve muhasebeleştirme işlemlerine destek verilmesi
- Vergi daireleri vb. resmi kurumlarla ilgili işlerin takip edilmesi
Başvuru İçin Gerekli Şartlar
- SMMM ruhsatına sahip olmak
- C. vatandaşı olmak
- Memuriyetten ihraç edilmemiş olmak
- Medeni haklarından mahrum olmamak
- 5786 numaralı kanunda belirtilen; “Anayasal düzene ve bu düzenin işleyişine karşı suçlar, milli savunmaya karşı suçlar, devlet sırlarına karşı suçlar ve casusluk, zimmet, irtikâp, rüşvet, hırsızlık, dolandırıcılık, sahtecilik, güveni kötüye kullanma, hileli iflas, ihaleye fesat karıştırma, edimin ifasına fesat karıştırma, suçtan kaynaklanan mal varlığı değerlerini aklama veya kaçakçılık” suçlarından hüküm giymemiş olmak
İstenen Özellikler
- Muhasebe ile ilgili mevcut mevzuat hakkında bilgi sahibi olmak,
- Avrupa Birliği hibe projelerinin finansal yönetimi konusunda tecrübeye sahip olmak,
- Matematiksel ve analitik düşünme yönü kuvvetli olmak,
- Problemlere etkili çözümler sunabilmek,
- İş teslim tarihlerine riayet etmek,
- Ekip çalışmasına uyum göstermek,
- Raporlama ve sunum yapabilmek,
- Erkek adaylar için askeri yükümlülüğü bulunmamak.
İlgilenenlerin özgeçmiş ve niyet mektuplarını 19 Ocak 2024 tarihi mesai bitimine kadar mavisporder@gmail.com adresine “Serbest Muhasebe Personeli” başlığı ile göndermesini rica ediyoruz.